Evan Chan

Who am I:

  • You will know me if we are in the same year 🙂
  • Primarily Cantonese-speaking, though English and Putonghua is OK
  • Former experience in STEM teaching back in secondary school
  • Lots of experience in providing peer support
  • If you don’t know about XXX, I will learn about XXX, then go and teach you XXX
  • Copy of Desmond’s teaching style
  • They call me ChatEVN for some reason…

I plan to offer 2 types of ISD ninja sessions:

  • Consultation sessions: You have a problem, and we find the solution together.
    • I cannot promise to immediately solve the problem you have.
    • However, we can use the Internet, ChatGPT, and my experience and work together.
    • To optimize efficiency, you can refer to things I am more competent at.
  • Lessons: Pick from the following which you would like to learn, and I teach briefly.
    • I cannot guarantee I am teaching the best way of doing XXX.
    • However, I speak from experience, and it would be faster than looking up tutorials.
    • You need to refer to things I may teach you.


Things I am more competent at:

Software & Programming

  • Python is MY FAVOURITE: (Image: Pillow (PIL), Data: NumPy & SciPy &Pandas, Web scraping: beautifulsoup4, Web hosting: flask… It can probably do everything! More than turtle in COMP1021!) (Do NOT ask for Python2 advice)
  • We can learn other languages together too!
    • C/C++ (COMP2012H)
    • Rust (I know a friend who swears by it)

Web development

  • I prefer to use Flask / NiceGUI as I have used these two frequently in the past.
  • I can also do plain JS+HTML+CSS development as well.
  • We can learn the new ways of new development together:
    • Node.js and web frameworks (I had a bit of a start with Vue.js)
    • Rust and WebAssembly?
    • PHP (use to use it for some basic web development)

Server and Home Lab

  • Proxmox VE is the GOAT and I use it a lot.
  • I have several computers running 24/7, hosting various websites and services.
  • I have a Tesla M40 for local ChatGPT and RTX3060 for Stable Diffusion.

Hardware & Electronics

    • Both MicroPython and C (via Arduino IDE) is great!
    • But PlatformIO haven’t used before, but it shouldn’t be too different.
    • (ESP8266 acceptable but you should treat yourself better)
  • I know a bit about plain Arduino boards. However, I never use STM32. 

Multimedia processing

  • Audio: I prefer Audacity. Sometimes may involve the use of iZotope RX8.
  • Image: I prefer Photoshop. Though, GIMP is marginally acceptable.
  • Video: I prefer CyberLink PowerDirector. Haven’t use the other ones.

Things I may teach you:

Ensuring Quality of Life in your IT life: Windows

  • Disable Windows animations and telemetry.
  • Making the taskbar usable.
  • Increase swap size so that you can open more tabs in the browser.
  • Find and reclaim space on your computer in a visual manner.
  • Remove malware and persistent software (Potentially Unwanted Applications)
  • Reinstall Windows without the bloatware (no one needs Candy Crush!)
  • Migrate Windows from HDD to SSD (if it isn’t SSD already!)
  • Introduction to package managers on Windows for one-command install.
  • Stop backing up the entire Desktop folder to OneDrive.
  • Set-up remote access such that SOLIDWORKS can be used on MacBooks

Ensuring Quality of Life in your IT life: Network

  • Identify and fix why the home network is so slow!
  • Wise buying guide to buying routers at home.
  • How to negotiate for a faster connection from your ISP.
  • Buy your first domain (at Cloudflare)

Ensuring Quality of Life in your IT life: AI

  • How to use Poe (text and image)
  • How to prompt AI for better results
  • How to run Image generation and Text generation AI locally?
  • How to use APIs?

Crash courses available:

  • How to download and use SOLIDWORKS?
  • How to use Blender?
  • How to download and use Rhino?
  • What is Python?
  • What is JavaScript? HTML? CSS?
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